Canada Invites PNP Candidates in Express Entry Draw: A Healthcare Highlight

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In the fast-paced world of Canadian immigration, exciting news continues to unfold. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is on a roll, having just wrapped up its third Express Entry draw of the week. This time, the focus is on healthcare occupations, and it’s making waves. Join us as we dive into the details of this draw, explore the changing landscape of Express Entry, and find out what this means for prospective immigrants. It’s a healthcare highlight, and you’re invited!

Express Entry Draw – The Healthcare Edition

The Department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has been working tirelessly to invite candidates who are a perfect fit for Canada’s job market. In its most recent Express Entry draw, IRCC issued a whopping 3,600 invitations to apply (ITAs) in a category-based selection draw for healthcare occupations.

What’s the Magic Number?

To be in the running for one of these coveted ITAs, candidates needed to have a minimum Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score of 431. But what does that score entail, and how do you measure up?

Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) Draw – A Class Apart

But that’s not all – this week has been a double whammy for Express Entry candidates. Just a couple of days ago, on October 24, there was a Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)-only draw. IRCC extended 1,548 invitations, but the catch was that candidates needed a minimum CRS score of 776 to make the cut.

The PNP Advantage

Wondering why the minimum CRS score for PNP candidates is sky-high? It’s because Express Entry candidates who are also nominated by a province automatically receive an additional 600 CRS points. It’s like an immigration booster shot!

French-Speaking Proficiency Draw

The second draw of the week, on October 25, was all about candidates who demonstrate proficiency in French. IRCC invited 300 candidates who met this criteria, but they had to achieve a minimum CRS score of 486.

Parlez-vous Français?

Do you speak French fluently? If not, maybe it’s time to brush up on those language skills to enhance your Express Entry chances.

Express Entry Draws – A Journey Through 2023

Here’s a summary of Express Entry draws since June 2023, giving you a bird’s eye view of the evolving landscape:

DateDraw TypeNumber of ITAsMinimum CRS
Oct 26Healthcare Occupations3,600431
Oct 25French Language Proficiency300486
Oct 24PNP-only1,548776
Oct 10All-program3,725500
Sept 28Agriculture and Agri-food Occupations600354
Sept 27French Language Proficiency500472
Sept 26All-program3,000504
Sept 20Transport Occupations1,000435
Sept 19All-program3,200531
Aug 15All-program4,300496
Aug 3Trade Occupations1,500388
Aug 2French Language Proficiency800435
Aug 1All-program2,000517
July 12French Language Proficiency3,800375
July 11All-program800505
July 7French Language Proficiency2,300439
July 6Healthcare Occupations1,500463
July 5STEM Occupations500486
July 4All-program700511
June 28Healthcare Occupations500476
June 27All-program4,300486
June 8All-program4,800486

It’s like a rollercoaster ride, isn’t it? The changing CRS scores and draw types keep things interesting for candidates.

Upfront Medical Examination No More

One of the most significant changes in Express Entry recently is the removal of the upfront medical examination (IME) requirement. Starting from October 1 this year, Express Entry candidates no longer need to get an IME before submitting their permanent resident application to IRCC.

The Medical Exam Twist

But before you breathe a sigh of relief, keep in mind that the medical examination is still a requirement. Candidates can now submit a blank document in the upload field of the Express Entry profile builder. IRCC will provide further instructions about the medical exam later. So, no more medical exams upfront, but they’re still very much in the picture.

Exceptions Apply

If you’ve already completed an IME as part of a different IRCC application, or if you’re already living in Canada, you won’t need to go through the medical exam process again. Lucky you!

What is Express Entry?

Let’s step back for a moment and break down the basics. What exactly is Express Entry, and why is it such a big deal?

Express Entry Unveiled

Express Entry is not just an application management system; it’s the gateway to your Canadian dreams. It oversees the Federal Skilled Worker Program, the Canadian Experience Class, and the Federal Skilled Trades Program.

The Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) – The Scorecard

Candidates in these programs are evaluated using the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS). This system assigns scores based on various attributes, including age, language ability, work experience, occupation, and education. It’s like building a puzzle, where each piece represents an attribute.

The Art of Scoring

These attributes are assigned scores, and when everything is put together, it totals up to a maximum of 1200 points. Now, don’t be too disheartened if you’re not hitting that perfect score; very few candidates do. Most minimum CRS cut-off scores fall in the range of 350-550 (sometimes even higher), depending on the type of draw.

The Race for the ITA

The golden ticket in Express Entry is the Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent resident status from IRCC. The candidates with the highest scores are the ones most likely to receive this coveted ITA.

Category-Based Selection – A Paradigm Shift

IRCC has been shaking things up by introducing draw categories that prioritize economic needs and French language promotion. A new law passed in June 2022 gave the immigration minister the authority to invite candidates who meet these criteria.

The Winds of Change

In light of this, IRCC introduced six new draw categories for Express Entry candidates who possess strong French abilities or work experience in:

  • Healthcare
  • STEM Professions
  • Trades
  • Transport
  • Agriculture and Agri-food

So far, Canada has invited candidates through category-based selection draws 10 times since June, totaling over 10,000 ITAs. It’s a fresh approach that’s turning heads in the immigration world.


  1. What is the minimum CRS score for PNP candidates in the latest Express Entry draw?
    In the recent Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) draw, candidates needed a minimum CRS score of 776 to qualify.
  2. Why is the minimum CRS score higher for PNP candidates?
    PNP candidates receive an additional 600 CRS points, which significantly raises the minimum score required for them.
  3. What is the purpose of category-based selection in Express Entry draws?
    Category-based selection aims to prioritize candidates who meet Canada’s economic needs and promote the French language.
  4. How often does IRCC conduct category-based selection draws?
    Since June 2023, IRCC has conducted category-based selection draws 10 times, inviting over 10,000 candidates.
  5. Is an upfront medical examination required for Express Entry candidates?
    Starting from October 1, 2023, Express Entry candidates no longer need an upfront medical examination, but they are still required to undergo one later in the process.